Finals week can be stressful, but don’t forget to take care of yourself. Knowing how to make a study guide is essential for exam success! Create flashcards and study them wherever you are. Study with your classmate and review over and over again. The more you practice, the more you become familiar with the materials. Finals weeks will be over soon, so stay focused.
1. Avoid disruptions
One way to stay focused and not be distracted during final weeks is to put your phone and computer, or laptop on do not disturb mode until you are done with your studying session. Not being distracted by my social media is not easy, but it takes a lot of determination and self-discipline, but honestly, it’s worth it. Those texts can wait, but your final paper or final exam will not wait for you.
2. Choose your study space wisely.
Create your own study space, whether in the library or your home.
I prefer studying at home mostly; I can stay focused more while studying in my room. It’s essential to set the mood before you start studying. Make sure to sit at a table/desk. Yes, I said to sit at a desk, DO NOT STUDY IN YOUR BED. Your bed was made for sleeping, and you are more likely to feel tired after studying a chapter or two. Studying at a desk will keep you focused. You are more likely to stay focused when your room is tidy. The whole point is to reduce stress and promote your focus. By tidying my room, lighting a candle, and getting all my study material to help me stay focused for a long day/night of studying. The environment in which you study can make studying more effective.
3. Manage your time wisely!
You can do better to manage your study time to set a study timetable and write down the exams you have next the day you have to take the exam. You can allocate a set time for a specific subject, and by doing that, you are able to know how far you are in your studies and how much more you will need to focus on a particular topic.
4. Take breaks
Remember to take short breaks. You will not be able to memorize or comprehend all the material at once. Balance is key. Ensure that you reward learning with quick break times to recharge and relax. Take a short walk, and eat snacks. Get you a cup of coffee. Make sure you eat healthy food, sleep well, and drink plenty of water.
5. Get the work done early
Last but not least, do not wait until the last minute. Procrastination is absolutely not your friend. Waiting until the last minute is not suitable for your mental health, and it puts tremendous stress and strain on your brain and even your body. It’s never good when your brain goes into panic mode, so you must give yourself enough time to study.
I wish you all the best and good luck.